Karaoke Instrumentals
While creating piano covers and piano instrumentals, I noticed that there was demand for Karaoke Instrumentals with Lyrics from most of my subscribers. When I checked online, I noticed that most of the karaoke instrumentals were ripoffs of the song itself which is a complete copyright violation. Hence, you will find authentic karaoke instrumentals of various songs created by me

Some of the unplugged karaokes were good, however were not consistent and most of them had a commercial angle to it. Hence I started on the journey of creating Karaoke Instrumentals with Lyrics for hindi songs, and now I create it across Hindi, Tamil and Telugu songs.
I also get commercial requests for instrumental karaokes for other languages, and once the person / entity has competed the cover, I upload that cover also for free on my youtube channel for others to enjoy. If you have any requests for customised karaoke instrumentals, please reach out to me and we can discuss the commercials around it.